Our Practice Areas


Arbitration involves resolving legal conflicts outside of court trials. Both sides agree to a neutral third party enacting a binding decision on the dispute after the arbitrator has listened to both party’s arguments.

Business Disputes

We handle conflicts within the business realm by assisting in resolving disagreements and legal disputes that arise in commercial transactions and partnerships.

Commercial Litigation

Representing clients in court for business-related disputes, we navigate legal proceedings to protect your interests and achieve favorable outcomes.

Contract Law

Our office offers services in the interpretation and enforcement of contracts. We ensure that agreements are legally sound and effectively protect your rights and interests.

Ethics and Professional Liability

Addressing matters of professional conduct and accountability, we provide guidance and defense for individuals and businesses both filing and/or facing allegations of ethical violations or professional liability claims.

Post Judgement Collections

We help our clients recover court-ordered damages or debts, employ legal strategies to enforce judgments, and collect outstanding amounts owed after a successful court ruling.

Representing engineers and other professionals facing complaints or disputes, we guide clients through the resolution process with the Texas Board of Professional Engineers, ensuring fair treatment and protecting their professional standing.

Texas Board of Professional
Engineers Complaints

State Bar Grievances

We provide representation to clients in addressing concerns or complaints regarding attorney conduct. We navigate the process of submitting grievances to the State Bar Association for review and resolution, as well as navigate the grievance process for attorneys who have received a report.

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“In pursuit of justice and truth, we honor the evolution of your story. Your case is not just a matter of the present, but a journey towards a future resolution. Your trust in us will always be rewarded.”

— LeBoeuf Law, PLLC